It’s a Trap! – Role-Playing Games in Finland

The Finnish role-playing hobby dates back to the mid-1970s. Students returning from their exchanges abroad brought news of role-playing games with them. Though the games were played through the 80s, it was not until the start of the 1990s that we saw our first proper role-playing boom.

The first Finnish role-playing games were modest self-publications, but bit by bit, their game design, art, and layout have become more and more professional. Because designing role-playing games in a small language region is not a ticket to riches, many designers make their games as a hobby. In their passion, they may spend thousands of hours, year in and year out, on creating their own publications or volunteering at gaming conventions. The role-player is in it for the love of the game!

The It’s a Trap! exhibition showcases the stories of Finnish games and gamers, from the very first players to the latest releases. The hundred-square-metre exhibition is the largest presentation on role-playing games yet seen in Finland.